Young Men

“Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.” 3 Nephi 5:13


For all those that have participated in the service projects this summer (Youth SuperActivity Backcountry project or the Stake Day of Service yesterday) FIRST- Thank you for your efforts and your service; Each project had a significant impact made possible by your contribution and commitment.  We hope you felt the joy that comes from serving others.  SECOND- Don't forget to have your quorum leaders sign off on your service hours to get credit towards your school service hour requirements.

Wednesday Sept 18th:

Stake Youth Music Activity, 7:00pm @ Foothills Canyon Building.  Youth Conference Slide Show followed by concert from Salt Lake and Refreshments.

Sunday Sept 22nd Sacrament Prep (Teachers):

Simon, Issac, Asher (Bread)

*Also for these 3, please remember to close the chapel doors as the sacrament hymn is beginning.

Sunday Sept 22nd Blessing the Sacrament (Priests):

Logan B, Logan, S and Rowan --  Please arrive 10 mins prior to sacrament meeting (8:50) and be seated at the sacrament table 5-7 mins prior.


Remember the Denver Temple will be closed Sept 9-23

Sign up here:

Upcoming Events:


McArthur Ranch Ward Young Men's Presidency (Bishopric)

Youth Temple Opportunities

Secure Sign Up Link - See for most current dates and times.

Young Men Calendar

Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme