
Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation

Topics for Talks

The purpose of the Primary Presentation is for each child to have an opportunity to share what is meaningful to them about what they have learned this year about the gospel.

Below each topic you will find questions to ponder, music, scripture references, and more to guide your child. Feel free to use other inspiration, share personal experiences, or a favorite story from our study of the Book of Mormon.

Jesus is Real to me and I feel His love

Questions to Ponder:

Songs we have learned (listen to the lyrics!)


I know my Savior Loves mes

Jesus Christ guides, lifts and comforts me as I listen to the Holy Ghost. 

Questions to Ponder:

Songs we have learned (listen to the lyrics!)

Scriptures we've learned

The Lord provides a way for me to follow Him, and works great miracles in my life through small and simple ways. 

Questions to ponder:

Scriptures we have learned:

Songs we are learning:

I have a special purpose in God's plan. I can serve God when I serve others and share the gospel. 

Questions to Ponder:

Songs we are learning:

Scriptures we learned this year:

Jesus strengthens me when I live the gospel and make covenants. 

Questions to Ponder

Songs we are learning (listen to the lyrics!)

Scriptures we have memorized